About Us
Welcome to Unicorn Cleaning Services Limited .
We are a family run business that was established in 2017 to provide reliable Cleaning Services to Montrose and the surrounding area.
We opened our Laundry in 2019 and continue to grow and expand the services that we offer. We are always striving to improve and after having survived the nightmare that was Covid times , we are now pushing for progression in all parts of the business . Although we are starting from the bottom again, the difference this time is that we are doing it with experience.
My name is Danielle and I live in Montrose with my three daughters , the youngest of whom was born when the business was only a year old . So as if starting and maintaining a business in the beginning isnt hard enough, I thought i would add to the challenge. Any one who knows me would expect that . I always put myself under pressure and like to push myself to the limit for the Company.
After surviving a Gas Explosion in 2009 , my mindset changed. I became determined that i needed to make a difference to this life. I went back to college in 2014 to study Accounting and Business Managment to give myself an academic understanding of running a business. Nothing can prepare you for the hours you will need to put in and the challenges you wil lhave to face, but im willing to embrace every single second of it. Im not here to be the cheapest but I am here to be the best.
The girls and I are community focused and this is also reflected in the team. Our Staff will are always willing to help and go above and beyond for customers, the business and me personally every single day. There support and consistent hard work is what makes the company and gives it the same we have worked hard to achieve.
when you use our services you are directly putting food on the table for my girls and making this all worthwhile.
We do various fundraising events , Soup Kitchens, Christmas meals etc to try to give back to those who support us all year round .
We also have a love for Dundee FC , please do not let this put you off using our service and the company is the proud sponsor of up wi the bonnets podcast.
We would like to thank you all for your support . We wouldnt be here if it wasnt for you.

My Team

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Podcast we Sponsor

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Up wi the bonnets podcast
You can have a listen right here